WebGIS Activities and locations management

What have we done?
An intranet that facilitates the management of public and private venues available in the city of Barcelona for holding all kinds of activities.

What have we contributed
- Easy to use. Both searching and selecting operations can be done using multiple characteristics: urban planning, type of activity, surface area, location, etc.
- Easy, centralised access and management of information about public and private venues in Barcelona and requests to organise activities in the city.
- We have placed new technologies at the service of the city and its economic and social growth.
What can be found there?
- Generation of reports about the best locations for a specific activity in order to present the existing options and facilitate decision-making
- The information can be downloaded in PDF and Excel format.
- Complete, centralised recording of all the requested activities. Port vessels.
- It responds to requests to organise activities and events in the city in an orderly, timely manner.